A: “pubg mobile has been a bit fuzzy on ranks changing after the end of the season. however, in seasons 1 and 2, your rank was only brought down a little bit after the season change. you should expect your rank to be set back a tier or two after the end of the season unless an announcement is made by tencent.. Pubg mobile season 3 for android and ios is now live and it comes with a new royale pass. the pubg mobile royale pass is tencent's answer to the fortnite battle pass with new cosmetic unlocks with. Pubg mobile - bahasa indonesia belom reset season, buka crate aja dah isi uc : https://www.codashop.com/id/ username gamely : goy id gamely : 350265 download....
Pubg mobile fans are patiently waiting for the pubg mobile season 3 which will come with more incredible features and updates. pubg mobile’s journey so far the popular battle royale game made its way into the players’ ios since its first release by tencent on app store on march 19, 2018, with millions of people downloading it.. Hello guys kali ini ane bermain pubg mobile quantum dan ingin membahas untuk reset season 1 yang berakhir 20 april 2018. yup untuk di pubg mobile global nanti akan di reset pada bulan mei.. Memasuki season 3 di pubg mobile, hubbers berhak memperoleh hadiah dari tier maupun rank yang didapatkan di season 2 lho! setelah season 3 dimulai, maka tier atau rank milikmu telah di- reset kembali secara otomatis..